Three ways Grief Coach texts help organizations deliver support for alzheimers and dementia

Losing someone to Alzheimer's or dementia is a heartbreaking, multi-faceted experience. Make sure your organization supports relatives and friends of people with Alzheimer's and dementia not only while their loved one is alive... but also after their death. Consider using Grief Coach text messages for bereavement support! Here's why: 1. We offer specific texts for death related to Alzheimer's and dementia. 2. We coach their family and friends with tips how to be there for them. 3. We save you time and postage by texting bereaved families reminders of your organization's events and updates.

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Five texts to send to a grieving friend on Father's Day

Whether your grieving friend lost their dad or is a grieving father, there are many meaningful ways to comfort them. At Grief Coach, we love a simple text! Sending a text message is a quick, easy way to show your grieving friend you care about them on Father's Day.

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