Show you care with year-long, expert, mental health and grief support.
Help your employees, patients, and clients navigate life's challenges with Help Texts.
Contact UsTrusted by the world's leading healthcare providers
of respondents said they found Help Texts messages helpful after a death
of subscribers remain enrolled for 12 months or longer
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25 languagesWe currently have Help Texts users in
44 countriesHow it works:
With no installation or integration required, it's easy to get started.
1. Book a call
We'll set up a phone or Zoom call to learn about your organization's needs and discuss how Help Texts can help you provide ongoing, expert grief and mental health support.
We'll talk about:
- How many employees/patients/clients you'd like to support
- When you'd like to launch Help Texts support at your organization
- Pain points and opportunities at your organization
This is a great time to ask questions and get answers!
2. Try Help Texts for yourself
We love for our clients' HR teams, bereavement coordinators, social workers and clinicians to experience Help Texts firsthand. We'll set up a temporary sign up page for your organization with one month trial subscriptions for your team. Share your feedback and suggestions as you get a taste of what receiving Help Texts is like.
3. Start offering support
Once you decide to move forward (and we dot our i's and cross our t's) we'll work quickly to help your organization start offering support by:
- Creating a custom sign up code and page for your organization
- Training your team on the easy Help Texts signup process and FAQ
- Providing your organization with marketing materials, suggested scripts, and more through a dedicated account manager
You can be up and running within weeks!
4. Spread the word and gather feedback
Whether you use an email campaign, social media, mailers, or in-person conversations, it's time to let people know they can get Help Texts messages through your organization!
As a part of your partnership with us, you'll receive:
- Monthly reports with usage numbers and highlights
- One optional custom text each month, letting people know about new HR benefits, events, support groups and more
- The ability to purchase additional subscriptions any time
- Access to our short text survey tool to hear directly from your subscribers
Contact us for more information on how your organization can deliver text-based support
Help Texts messages are...
- Easy for grievers to get
Sign up takes five minutes and texts begin right away
- Proven to be helpful and effective
Ninety-five percent of grieving Help Texts subscribers say that receiving messages helped them with their grief
- Written by grief experts, for grievers
Texts are crafted by grief experts who have also experienced significant loss
- Helpful for grievers and their supporters
Each griever can add two supporters to receive educational tips and reminders of their important grief days
- Customized for all kinds of losses
With 50+ relationships and 15 causes of death, Help Texts are personalized for each subscriber's unique loss experience
- Paired with built-in support
Our Subscriber Support team is available to answer subscribers' questions and incoming texts
Real Help Texts texts:
Explore examples of real messages we've sent
- Hi, Maria. There may come a point in your grieving process where you feel relief over your mom's death, and you might feel strange or shameful about that. Rest assured: Experiencing relief is normal. Knowing that your mom no longer has to live with cancer is a comforting, if complicated, thought.
- Hi, Bosa. Grief after any loss is hard, but grief after a murder is a horror and an injustice that very few have to bear. You're probably angry and overwhelmed by how unfair it is, that someone took Zaye out of this world. And you're right, it is unfair. Remember that it's completely understandable and normal to feel this way. Anyone in your situation would feel the same way.
- Hi, Chelsea. Sharing the story of you mom's early symptoms, how COVID-19 progressed, and the treatment she received before she died, may help you to process her death. Consider talking about the details with a therapist or close friend, or maybe even writing about them in a journal. Hopefully you can find a few people who will be empathetic listeners as you share the story, knowing that in sharing your story, you are helping yourself heal.
- Hi, Lori Ann. When a person dies by suicide, many survivors report feeling labeled by their loss. They find it hard to attend events they used to enjoy because others only see the suicide and not the person grieving. This may be true for you too. If there are events you feel uneasy about attending, consider asking a friend to go with you. It will be easier to walk through the door with someone who understands what you're going through.
- Hi, Marcus. Particularly after a sudden or accidental death, it is completely normal to be in a state of shock and to feel as though you're only "going through the motions." If there are people you think would be willing to help you with day-to-day tasks, please ask. It is hard to do even the simplest things when something like this happens.
- Hi, Naomi. Many parents find it comforting to have physical things with them that help to keep their child’s memory alive. Perhaps you have an ultrasound photo you'd like to frame or you could have a piece of jewelry engraved with Erica's initials. These types of remembrances can be healing.
- Hi, Isabella. Caring for someone who had dementia can be a lonely experience. Self-isolating could have been a coping strategy, especially if your grandfather's behavior started to decline or become unpredictable. Consider finding small, manageable ways to re-enter social settings, like going to the movies, attending an exercise class, or meeting a friend for coffee.
- Hi, Deepti. Questions about the circumstances of your nephew's death can feel invasive. The next time someone asks you for information, you can let them know you're not ready to share those details right now but you are open to telling them how you're doing. Shifting the focus from what happened to your well-being could help you both connect.