Melissa Lunardini · 29 January 2025
Healthcare providers are suffering from compassion fatigue and burnout. Gina Kornfeind, a Bereavement Coordinator and Social Worker at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital, is using Help Texts' grief support program to help her keep up with the growing need for resources for patients' family members, colleagues, and her friends and neighbors too.Read more
Emma Payne · 7 April 2023
April 3-9 is National Public Health Week, and an opportunity to recognize that bereavement care is healthcare. When we're grieving we're at increased risk for negative health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, sleep issues, illness, suicidal ideation and behaviors, and more. But when we receive even a small amount of support and understanding, many of us can avoid those negative outcomes. Here at Help Texts we are honored to be working with leading researchers around the world who recognize that grief-informed text support is an effective public health intervention.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 14 November 2022
Nearly 50% of Americans are grieving a recent death. Help Texts allows you to support bereaved employees with no integration, installation, download, or smartphone required. See examples of Help Texts messages and find out more about how our service helps you provide meaningful, empathetic support to your employees.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 19 September 2022
Grief Coach founder Emma Payne and Head of Bereavement Melissa Lunardini sat down with UK psychotherapist Liz Gleeson on her podcast, Shapes of Grief. Throughout their conversation, they touched upon six pain points grieving people have and the unique ways Grief Coach texts offer support.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 18 August 2022
People who've experienced the death of a significant person often tell us that support drops off sharply after the first year. At Help Texts, we believe grievers deserve grief support for a lifetime of loss, not just in the early days of "survival mode". That's why we've written a series of help texts specifically for what we call "long ago loss."Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 1 August 2022
Thanks to Sue Ryder, all UK residents can receive free grief support through Grief Coach texts.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 1 July 2022
Losing a baby or young child with no explanation is devastating, and leaves parents and caregivers lost for answers. If you're unsure of what to say to someone whose infant or young child died with no explanation, these helpful suggestions from Red Nose Australia are a great place to start.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 29 June 2022
Losing someone to Alzheimer's or dementia is a heartbreaking, multi-faceted experience. Make sure your organization supports relatives and friends of people with Alzheimer's and dementia not only while their loved one is alive... but also after their death. Consider using Grief Coach text messages for bereavement support! Here's why: 1. We offer specific texts for death related to Alzheimer's and dementia. 2. We coach their family and friends with tips how to be there for them. 3. We save you time and postage by texting bereaved families reminders of your organization's events and updates.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 28 June 2022
Many articles tell people what to say when a person dies, but as the grieving person, how do you respond? Try these three tips from Grief Coach founder and CEO, Emma Payne.Read more
Shelby Forsythia · 25 June 2022
We were recently highlighted in a Hospice News article called "The Rise of Tech-Enabled Grief Care." Here are four ways Grief Coach helps hospice organizations and their bereavement teams support people grieving a death.Read more