Meet four (more!) Grief Coach expert contributors
Around the world people lack the grief support they need. At the same time there are thousands of compassionate bereavement experts who know what helps (and what doesn't) when someone dies. I'm privileged to work with expert contributors, each with their own areas of expertise, and each helping to make sure that Grief Coach's text messages are thoughtful, appropriate and customized for the many different kinds of losses our subscribers are experiencing. Let's meet 4 of them.

Katie Hawkins-Gaar is a freelance writer who publishes a weekly newsletter called My Sweet Dumb Brain, which she started to help process the ups and downs of grief after her husband died unexpectedly in 2017. Her writing has been published by CNN, The New York Times, Fortune Magazine and more. Follow Katie on Twitter.
Dora Carpenter worked in the funeral and death care industry for twenty years, and saw that people often didn't receive the support they needed after a death. Her experience led her to build the Institute of Professional Grief Coaching, an organization that trains and certifies grief coaches, as well as The Aniya Center, a non-profit organization providing grief coaching support services to residents of Washington, D.C.
Diane Snyder-Cowan is the Director of Grief Services for Hospice of the Western Reserve in Ohio, and is extremely active in the promotion of bereavement care, with particular expertise in addiction losses. She is also the leader of the Bereavement Professionals section of the National Council of Hospice and Palliative Professionals.
Galen Goben is the Grief Support Director for Forest Lawn Memorial Parks and Mortuaries. He is an experienced Grief Support Director with a demonstrated history of working in the individual and family services industry. Galen is an experienced grief counselor, who holds a Doctor of Ministry and helps to bring thoughtful, spiritual messages to our subscribers.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the immense amount of grief people are carrying, but working with Katie, Dora, Diane and Galen, and our many other expert contributors, reminds me that there is more than enough compassion and wisdom to go around. I'm so proud of the role Grief Coach is playing, in bringing expert knowledge and comfort to grievers, right to their phones. Every day. All year long.