Tracey Piparo, PA-C
Physician Associate
A seasoned Physician Associate with over 20 years of healthcare experience, Tracey is dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals facing serious illness. Her expertise in palliative care focuses on empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare decisions, including advance care planning.
She is passionate about normalizing conversations around death and dying, and works tirelessly to improve access to compassionate end-of-life care. Through national speaking engagements and collaborative initiatives, Tracey strives to create a healthcare system where every patient and family receives the support they deserve.
Tracey’s commitment to evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, and professional advocacy drive her work as she supports patients and families in navigating complex healthcare journeys.
In 2024, PA Piparo joined the National Emergency and Palliative Medicine Initiative of Compassion and Choices to expand access to palliative care within emergency departments. She is on the board of directors for PAHPM (PAs in Hospice and Palliative Medicine), currently serving as President elect.
She lives in Allentown, NJ with her firefighter husband and two growing boys and enjoys family workouts in their garage gym, occasional hikes throughout NJ, visits to the shore, great food, as well as a good evening of mindless television.