Five texts to send to a grieving friend on Mother's Day

There are many meaningful ways to comfort a friend who's grieving the death of their mom or grieving the loss of a child. At Grief Coach, we love a simple text! Sending a text message is a quick, easy way to show your grieving friend you care about them on Mother's Day.

Here are five of our favorite types of texts to send a grieving friend on Mother's Day:

1. The "No Need to Respond" Text

It's common for grievers to distance themselves from their phones on Mother's Day—devices where glossy social media ads about motherhood and photos of happy mothers and children can be overwhelming. Send a message with no pressure to reply. Even if your friend never responds, know that your reaching out means something to them.

For example:
"Hi Adrian. No need to respond. Just sending you love on Mother's Day and holding you in my heart."

2. The Story Time Text

Many grieving people love hearing stories about their person who died. Share a memory of your friend's person to brighten their day. Bonus points if you attach a picture!

For example:
"Hey Nancy. I was laughing this morning about the time your mom and I got to see the movie 9 to 5 together back in the 80s. She loved Lily Tomlin! You're on my mind today."

3. The "Say Their Name" Text

One lesser-known grief is the loss of hearing a loved one's name said aloud or seeing it written down. It's normal for your friend to miss reading their person's name. Use it in a text to let them know you remember them.

For example:
"Hi Cole. No need to respond. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and Marguerite today."

4. The Meaningful Gesture Text

If you have the time, doing something small like lighting a candle or picking a flower in honor of the person your friend is grieving can help them feel acknowledged. Consider sending a photo or a video along with your text to give your grieving friend the sense that they're there beside you as you remember their mom or child.

For example:
"Hi Beulah. I placed a stone for your mom in my garden this morning. It's deep gray, like that sweater she always wore. Remembering her hugs today."

5. The Didn't-Know-Them Text

Even if you didn't know your friend's mom or child personally, you can acknowledge her impact on your friend's life in your message. While it may feel uncomfortable acknowledging the death of a person you never met, trust that your friend will appreciate you remembering.

For example:
"Hey Valerie. I didn't get to meet your son in life, but I know he is a big part of you. Honoring his presence in your life today."

These are just a few ways to reach out to a friend who's grieving a mom on Mother's Day. To receive more tips on supporting a grieving friend, sign up for Grief Coach texts.

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